This song came to me in a dream the other night. In the dream, I came up with the first four lines and the chorus, which inspired me to write the rest of the song. This is written to the tune of "Jesus loves me, this I know." Just in time for Halloween, I present to you...Zombie Jesus Eats Our Brains:
Zombie Jesus eats our brains,
High upon a cross he hangs.
We drink His blood and eat His flesh,
Even if he's not that fresh.
Praise Zombie Jesus!
Praise Zombie Jesus!
Praise Zombie Jesus!
He likes to eat our brains.
Zombie Jesus died for us,
From his hands he's oozing pus.
He died because of our sins,
Now he's looking very thin.
Praise Zombie Jesus!
Praise Zombie Jesus!
Praise Zombie Jesus!
He likes to eat our brains.
Zombie Jesus is our boss,
Hanging up there on His cross.
He's the shepherd of his flock,
He wears sandals without socks.
Praise Zombie Jesus!
Praise Zombie Jesus!
Praise Zombie Jesus!
He likes to eat our brains.
On Easter our Christ Lord died,
For us, he was crucified.
He has risen from the dead,
To eat the brains inside our heads.
Praise Zombie Jesus!
Praise Zombie Jesus!
Praise Zombie Jesus!
He likes to eat our brains.